InvestorOutreachCenter PROREIT (PRV) Case Study

Key Highlights Stock Performance + Volume $177.5 MILLION RAISED MARKETCAP INCREASE OF 40X 149K ACTIVITIES COMPLETED ON BEHALF OF PROREIT 13.7% OF CAD INVESTMENT COMMUNITY ENGAGED w/PROREIT 41% TOTAL OPEN RATE InvestorOutreachCenter’s team achieved an open rate of 41% across all email communication. 19.4% above industry average. 97 PRESS RELEASES DISSEMINATED InvestorOutreachCenter’s team curated and disseminated 97 press releases regarding pertinent company news. 84K EMAILS SENT InvestorOutreachCenter’s team distributed over 84K emails to Canadian IIROC advisors with tailored and timely messaging. 65K TOTAL CALLS InvestorOutreachCenter’s team made over 65K calls to Canadian Investment community under the PROREIT brand.